Skyrim is home to many different kinds of animals. Some of them are friendly, but others can kill even a Dragonborn.
Skyrim is full of animals and plants. Some of these animals, like deer and foxes, are friendly, but many of them are not. Skyrim is a harsh place where staying alive is hard, so many of the animals have learned to be very dangerous.
As the Dragonborn travels through Skyrim, players will run into a lot of these dangerous creatures. Some of them are some of the most powerful enemies in the game. Players should be aware of the many dangers they’re likely to face on their adventure, whether they’re stalking Skyrim’s forests, wandering its plains, or hiding in caves deep below the surface. In Skyrim, knowing things can save your life.
Frostbite Spider

These creatures are some of the first enemies players face in Skyrim. They live in the caves under Helgen. Frostbite spiders in Helgen are easy to kill, as are most spiders players find in Skyrim’s wilderness and in the many dungeons they explore.
But frostbite spiders can get very big, and the rarest ones can be very hard to kill. They have a lot of health, they can shoot poison that does a lot of damage from far away, and their attacks can do a lot of damage.

On their journey, players will run into a lot of bears, usually in the wild or in caves. Even at low levels, bears of all kinds can be tough foes, but snow bears are the hardest of all.
When you run into a snow bear, it can often kill you, and they can be hard to kill. They have a lot of health and are 50% less likely to get sick from frost. Luckily, this type of bear only lives in the snowy parts of the north, so be careful if you’re traveling there.

Even though these fish aren’t very strong, they can be a bother and even a threat to divers and swimmers. They swim much faster than the player and will often swim behind them in groups.
Players can’t use their weapons or magic while swimming, so a slaughterfish attack can be very dangerous. If players don’t get out of the water in time, slaughterfish will slowly eat away at their health and they won’t be able to do anything about it.
Sabre Cat

Sabre cats are common in Skyrim, and if you get too close to one, it can often kill you. Even though they aren’t as strong as bears, they are much faster and can do a lot of damage quickly. It is also hard to run faster than a sabre cat.
Also, sabre cats are mean and make very little noise when they move. If they see the player before the player sees them, it’s likely that the player will die quickly. Once a sabre cat spots its prey, it is hard to get away from it.

These big boars live on Solstheim, and the Dragonborn DLC added them to Penalty Kick Online game. They defend their land aggressively with their sharp tusks, and Rieklings sometimes use them as dangerous mounts.
Be careful of their charge attacks. They are fast and can do a lot of damage to a Dragonborn with weak armor. Their Riekling riders can also throw javelins at the player, making bristlebacks dangerous even from a distance. In a fight with a bristleback, a shield would be useful because it would take the damage from spears and charges.

The Netch are a strange creature that is very different from most others in Skyrim. They come from Morrowind, but Skyrim players can find them in the south of Solstheim. Netch can sometimes have more than 1000 health points, and if a player gets too close, they deal a lot of shock damage.
Netch are passive creatures that won’t attack without a reason. Players may have to fight them, though, either to get their jelly to make paralysis poisons or as part of the Creation Club quest Put a Fork in It.

When they are on land, horkers are not very dangerous. They move slowly and don’t do very much damage. But a horker in the water can be a whole different story. They swim quickly, and if they catch players while they are swimming and they can’t fight back, it can be deadly.
Lord Tusk is a unique horker who lives on Solstheim. He is much bigger and stronger than any other horker. He should not be taken lightly, but regular horkers at lower levels should also be watched out for.

Nix-Hounds are strange creatures that bring Dunmer from their home country to Solstheim. They live in the south of Solstheim, where there is a lot of ash. They are aggressive and usually attack in groups. One nix-hound may not be a very scary enemy, but an ambush of several can be deadly because of how quickly they attack.
In the Anniversary Edition, you can get a nix-hound as a pet from Revus Sarvani near Tel Mithryn. It won’t fight for the player, but it can help carry things.

Most of the time, players will find chaurus deep underground, where they are often accompanied (and tamed) by Falmer. They often spit a powerful poison that does fast damage regardless of the player’s armor rating, and their melee attacks can also cause poison.
The Chaurus are also strong. They have a lot of health and armor. The chaurus hunters, which are their changed forms, are even stronger. They can burst out of their cocoons and poison players before they have a chance to react. In some of Skyrim’s darkest and deepest dungeons, players may even run into huge chaurus that are boss-level.

The tundra of Whiterun, Eastmarch, and the Pale is where you can find one of the most dangerous animals in Skyrim. Mammoths do a lot of damage and can kill a player in one or two hits. They have over 900 health points, and when they are close to death, they can heal some of it back.
Also, mammoths are usually found in groups, so it’s unlikely that you’ll have to fight a single one. They might also be protected by giants, which would make them even more dangerous to meet.
The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim – Anniversary Edition is now available for Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.